Our goal is to ensure complete satisfaction with our products. And, while we take great care in packaging your order for a successful delivery, accidents do happen. In all instances where a product is imperfect or damaged, please contact our Customer Care Advisors here for complete instructions on how to return the merchandise and receive a replacement.

In the event you are not satisfied with a product and wish to return it, you have 30 days from the date of purchase to return the product to us in the original packaging, using the return form and return label enclosed with the shipment. We will issue a refund within 14 days of receiving the product in original condition, equal to the original amount charged for the product. Original shipping costs are non-refundable unless an incorrect item was received or an item arrived damaged or defective.

IMPORTANT: For your protection, we recommend that when shipping products back to us you use a recorded delivery service -- a service that provides a tracking number (i.e. UPS, DHL, FedEx). Except in instances where the item delivered was in error or was faulty or damaged. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS. Additionally, we cannot provide credit for packages lost during return shipment if proof of delivery is unavailable.


Refund Restrictions

In the case of returning "bonus" products (i.e. free gifts, a gift with purchase, bonuses, etc...), refunds or credits will only be issued for the value charged (if any) for the item on the original order. For example: If you received a free product with a $50 order, returning the free product alone will not result in any credit. Similarly, if a purchased product that included any "bonus" products is returned, the bonus products must also be returned in order to receive a credit for the purchased product.

Additionally, certain charges are non-refundable, including, but not limited to: Engraved/Personalized Products; Gift Wrap Charges.

If you have received a free gift as a part of your purchase, you must also return the gift to us. If you do not return the gift to us and no longer meet the conditions for receiving the gift, we will deduct the value of the gift.

Order Cancellations

If for any reason you need to cancel an order after submitting it, please contact our Customer Service Specialists here. Keep in mind, if your order has already been processed (i.e. packed and shipped), it may be too late to cancel or change the shipment. However, you can return the order once it is received. Royal Copenhagen offer free return, all you have to do is use the return label in the box, and send it back.

*The Returns & Cancellations policies above apply ONLY to products purchased at Products purchased from Royal Copenhagen Company Stores or Royal Copenhagen Dealers are not eligible.